速報APP / 商業 / Bartercard Mobile App

Bartercard Mobile App





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Bartercard Mobile App(圖1)-速報App

The Bartercard Mobile App is designed to easily trade and instantly conserve cash in just a few simple taps. Find products and services, transact and view your balance anytime, anywhere. Just login using your MYBC details and let your fingers do the trading.

What’s Bartercard?

A B2B network where members exchange products and services without cash or credit cards. Designed to attract new customers, conserve cash flow, shift slow-moving stock and fill capacity, Bartercard can really maximise your business!

Join thousands of businesses world-wide

Bartercard Mobile App(圖2)-速報App

Bartercard is the operator of the world’s largest trade exchange where thousands of SMEs barter-trade over $600m each year. Members trade everything from restaurant dining to business essentials, real estate, accommodation at destinations world-wide plus more.

Attract new customers

Tap into a whole new market of customers without discounting or reducing prices. Bartercard’s B2B marketplace puts your brand in front of more businesses.

Increase sales

Bartercard Mobile App(圖3)-速報App

Top up sales whilst reducing cash expenses to really turn wastage and downtime into a viable asset.

Boost cash flow

Cash flow is the #1 hurdle for most business owners. Bartercard lets you source products and services without spending cash so you can offset business costs.

Enhance your lifestyle

Bartercard Mobile App(圖4)-速報App

Pick from thousands of accommodation options world-wide without the cash cost, so you can take a break without dipping into your funds. Access entertainment, massage, shopping or a night out without opening your wallet.

It’s all done via the latest technology

Bartercard uses the latest digital systems and technology to remove the challenge of a direct swap. It’s all done instantly and automatically in the app.

Bartercard Mobile App(圖5)-速報App